Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cubify - Express Yourself in 3D

Print anything up to 5.5" x 5.5" x 5.5"... or 140mm x 140mm x 140mm, at 200 microns. All for $1299!

And it matches my coffee maker!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SWF and After Effects, Sliders, AND DuIK Part 1

Go to and download the IK tools. Install the files in the scripts folder of After Effects: (win = c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects\Support Files\Scripts”,  mac : “Applications/Adobe After Effects/Scripts/").

So I set that up and began working on my Flash file to see if I can export  my characters body parts and the head to be ready for flash.

I will first make a copy of my flash file. With the first copy I am going to delete everything except the head. I will keep the 378 Frames that I used to lip sync to a high quality audio file I received.

That's a lot of chatterin'!
I exported the head as a SWF file. Importing that into After Effects is no big issue. Once I put it in a Composition, I imported the audio file to the comp and named it  "Head". I then proceeded to create a new comp for the body.

Leather Medic Bag For Sale

  • Hand cut and 2-needle saddle stitched (no lock stitch; will not unravel and easy to repair). 
  • Inner pocket for iPad or composition book. 
  • Smaller pockets on the inside for pencils, phone, and other smaller items.
  • Slightly used, but will put a nice coat of mink oil before sending it out.
  • Dimensions 12.5 x 11 x 3.5

At my ESTY store!

Friday, January 4, 2013

MORE Flash to After Effects Experiment 02: Exporting FXG

I continued my tutorial (or more like "self-teaching") with Flash and FXG files. As stated in part one of this foray, I am starting off with all the parts of the character in separate layers.

I then moved the Anchor points of all the characters to have the rotation match the ones I had in Flash. A little tedious, but so far so good.

Once I did that, I made sure to parent the limbs in the correct manner in order to make sure, for example, the hand moved with the forearm when I rotated the upper arm. I did this with the pick whip.

What I did was this:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rigging Characters: Tutorial By Daniel Gies

It looks like it uses Null objects to set the rotation points! Hm... interesting....

Here is the code for the Null Objects:
