Friday, January 4, 2013

MORE Flash to After Effects Experiment 02: Exporting FXG

I continued my tutorial (or more like "self-teaching") with Flash and FXG files. As stated in part one of this foray, I am starting off with all the parts of the character in separate layers.

I then moved the Anchor points of all the characters to have the rotation match the ones I had in Flash. A little tedious, but so far so good.

Once I did that, I made sure to parent the limbs in the correct manner in order to make sure, for example, the hand moved with the forearm when I rotated the upper arm. I did this with the pick whip.

What I did was this:

  1. Parent the Hips to the Torso.
  2. Parent the upper arms, the upper legs, and head to torso.
  3. Parent the lower arms and legs to respective upper counterparts.
  4. Finally, parent hands to respective lower arms.
I made the head and the hands compositions because I am planning on MAYBE using them to hold different hand and mouth shapes. That's for later, though.

Once I did that, I decided to make a quick running loop. I tried to only animate around 2 seconds of running and do a loop_out("cycle", 0) expression, but I had some trouble with parts of the body disappearing  I didn't realize I could fix it with a simple opt+End to extend the timeline to the absolute end. Just messy work!
It looks wacky!
The next step was creating another Comp and plopped the character in the middle. I animated some bobbing as he ran and put a moving background--again, very quick, very messy.

I decided to put a black outline around the caracter. The way I did that was create a copy of the character layer ( CMD+D ), then use the copy to  tweak the alpha a little:

I first use the Tint effect to cut out all the color, making it totally black. Then I applied a Simple Choker effect. What this is supposed to do is tighten up a matte in case a tiny little bit of green is spilling over. Well, I set it for NEGATIVE 10 (tweak to what suits you, of course).
and finally I put in a Gaussian blur because I LIKE gaussian blur!

And that is how I did it.